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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application form for new proposal- SHG

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DepartmentOffice of the state coordinator for self help group
TitleApplication form for new proposal- SHG
Document Size24.8 KB
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MINISTRY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE & EMPOWERMENT Name of the Scheme: Scheme of Assistance to Panchayati Raj Institution/Voluntary Organisations/Self Help Groups for Construction of Old Age Homes/Multi Service Centres for Older Persons. APPLICATION FORM FOR NEW PROPOSAL 1. Organisation Name Address Phone Fax Telex E-Mail Grams 2.(A) (i) Name of the Act under which registered (ii) Registration No.and date of Registration(Please attach a photocopy) (B) Any other organization/Institute/Body, if applicable, give details 3. Registration under Foreign Contribution Act Yes/No 4. Memorandum of Association and Bye­Laws(Please attach a photocopy) 5. Name and Address of the Members of the Board of Management/Governing Body and Date of constitution of the present Board of Management 6. List of documents to be attached: A copy of the Annual Report for the previous year which should contain the balance sheet (including receipt and payment account, income and expenditure of the Organisation/Institution for the last 2 years). These should be certified by a Chartered Accountant or a Government Authority 7. Details of the project for which the grant-in-aid is being applied: (a) Geographical area to be served; (b) Target group of beneficiaries to be covered. In case the centre is open to men and women separate lodging facilities for both will be provided. (c) The services to be delivered and the charges, if any, to be realized from the beneficiaries; (d) The expertise/experience the organization has planning and implementing related Programmes/services (Not in case of PRIs); (e) Information relating to the grants received or likely to be received from other Departments of Central Government or from State Government for the same project; (f) Proof of clear title of land on which the centre is to be constructed; and (g) A copy of the project report including site-plans/layout of the proposed building (rough sketch giving a broad indication of the building to be constructed and area to be covered etc.) and estimated cost of construction should be submitted. After the proposal has been approved in principle, the Institution/organization will have to submit blue prints of plan with iled structural estimates that the construction of the building has been permitted. The estimates need not, however, be approved by the State P.W.D. A certificate by the State Government, or a Certificate from Approved Valuer(Approved by State Government, Income Tax Department, etc.) or even from State Construction Corporation that the rates are not more than the prevailing P.W.D. schedule of rates for similar work shall suffice. 8. Grant-in-aid applied for in the current Year Non-recurring Recurring 9. Details of the staff employed - Appendix I. 10. List of additional papers, if any given I have read the scheme and fulfil the requirements and conditions of the scheme. I undertake to abide by all the conditions of the Scheme. Signature: Name : Address/seal: Date : Note: wherever not applicable, specially in case of new organizations, please write - N.A. SCHEME OF ASSISTANCE TO PANCHAYATI RAJ INSTITUTIONS/VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS/SELF HELP GROUPS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF OLD AGE HOMES/MULTI SERVICE CENTRES FOR OLDER PERSONS Realising the significance of (a) rapid demographic changes in India in favour of increasing number and proportion of persons above the age of 60, (b) a slow but marked withdrawal of family support due to weakening of joint family ties and migration of children to cities and developed regions and (c) special biological, socio-economic and emotional needs of old age, the Government of India started a Scheme of Assistance to Panchayati Raj Institutions/Non-Governmental Organisations/Self Helf Groups for providing construction assistance for Old Age Home or Multi Service Centres for Older Persons in each district of the country. OBJECTIVE The Scheme aims at providing financial grant for construction of old age home or Service Centre for Older Persons. To this end a one time construction assistance shall be provided to Non-Governmental Organisations/Self Help Groups/Panchayati Raj Institutions for construction of Old Age Home or a Multi-Service Centre consisting of Day Care Centres for the mobile, reach out units for the home bound and Old Age Homes for the destitute Older Persons. DAY CARE CENTRES The Day Care Centres will be required to provide various non-institutional support systems to Older Persons such as developmental programmes for preparation for old age, death and bereavement, raising family and community awareness for enriched interactions, health checkup camps, information and awareness for prevention of problems and treatment; continuing education, training and opportunities for income generation, employment exchange and sponsorship; training as volunteers; recreation, cultural and creative programmes; occupational therapy, counseling and legal aid; self/mutual help groups; family assistance; information and referral services and any other programme or service in the best interest of Older Persons. RACHOUT UNITS Besides Mobile Medicare the Reach out units will also run other home/family based services for home bound Older Persons such as Mobile meals, clinics, libraries; volunteer visits for help in home making and running external errands; information and referral services etc. The Old Age Homes will provide for self fulfillment, health, nutrition and care giving continuing education and recreation activities to the Older Persons particularly the destitute and the homeless. An effort will be made to ensure that institutional life in the Old Age Homes corresponds to normal conditions in the family and in the community. To this end the homes may keep their health, education and recreation services open to non-resident Older Persons. The residents interaction with their family members and the community would also be encouraged. ELIGIBILITY FOR ASSISTANCE An organization eligible for assistance would be :­ a. i. Registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, or relevant State Societies Registration Act. ii A Public Trust registered under any law for the time being in force. iii A Charitable company licensed under Section 525 of Companies Act, 1958. iv Self Help Groups of Older Persons registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or as Public Trusts. b. It shall have a properly constituted managing body with its powers, duties and responsibilities clearly defined and laid down in a written Constitution; c. It shall not run for profit to any individual or a body of individuals; and The Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) will also be eligible for grant in aid provided their recommendations are received, duly recommended by the State Government, through a resolution of their Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporation/Municipal Council, as the case may be. PROCEDURE FOR SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION The application shall be submitted to an Authority or Body designated for the purpose by the Ministry of Welfare. On receipt of an application inspection will be undertaken by the prescribed agency to determine the suitability and competence of applicant organization and thereafter the proposal will be duly processed. CONTENTS OF THE PROPOSAL The proposal for grant in aid should be submitted alongwith following details: 1. Geographical area to be served. 2. Target group of beneficiaries to be covered. In case the centre is open to men and women separate lodging facilities for both will be provided. 3. The services to be delivered and the charges, if any, to be realized from the beneficiaries. 4. The expertise/experience the organization has planning and implementing related programmes/services(Not in case of PRIs). 5. The Constitution of the Association, Memorandum of Association and details of aims and objectives. 6. Constitution of the Board of Management, present membership, date of constitution of present Board of Management. 7. Last Annual Report(Not Applicable if the organization is new). 8. Information relating to the grants received or likely to be received from other Department of Central Government or from State Government for the same project. 9. A statement containing the balance sheet and the full receipt and payment of the organization/institution for the last two years and a copy of the balance sheet for the previous year. These should be certified by a Chartered Accountant or a Government authority; and 10. All applications shall give a proof of clear title of land on which the centre is to be constructed. 11. A copy of the project report including site-plans/layout of the proposed building(rough sketch giving a broad indication of the building to be constructed and area to be covered etc.) and estimated cost of construction should be submitted. After the proposal has been approved in principle, the Institution/organization will have to submit blue prints of plan with detailed structural estimates that the construction of the building has been permitted. The estimates need not, however, be approved by the State PWD. A certificate by the State Government or a Certificate from Approved Valuer (Approved by the State Govt., Income Department, etc.) or even from State Construction Corporation that the rates are not more than the prevailing PWD schedule of rates for similar work shall suffice. QUANTUM OF GRANT Grant in aid under the scheme shall be limited to Rs.15 lakhs per home/Centre and this amount shall be used only for the purpose of (i) Construction of building and for furnishing/equipping the old age home/multi­service centre; (ii) Expansion of the existing building building of the existing home/centre (iii) Completion of the construction of the building and for furnishing/equipping the home/centre. The institution must complete the building within a period of 18 months from the date of the receipt of the first instalment of grant in aid unless extension is granted by the Central Government. No portion of the grant will be paid until the controlling authority of the institution/organization has executed and registered a bond I the approved form, as prescribed by the Government of India. After the completion of the building, the organization shall furnish to the Central Government copies of the following documents:- a) A Certificate from State PWD or an Organisations/Agencies which may be approved by the Ministry of Welfare to the effect that the building has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and estimates; and b) A statement of expenditure incurred on the construction of building, duly audited by the authorized auditors. c) The head of the organization shall ensure that building is open to inspection by the Officer of the State PWD or of the CPWD or any other agency, officer designated for the purpose by the Central or State. d) Government both during the period of construction as well as after the completion of the construction. It shall be the duty of the head of the organization to carry out any instructions which may be issued in this behalf by the Central Government or the State Government as the case may be. RELEASE OF INSTALMENTS OF GRANT IN AID Grant will be released in two instalments - the first instalment not exceeding 70% will be released at the time of sanctioning of the project. The second instalment will be released on confirmation that the construction has started and has reached the roof level. Application for release of second instalment shall be accompanied by a Statement of expediture incurred so far by the institution/organization. CONDITIONS TO BE FULFILLED The organization shall provide a package of facilities to the inmates which shall be clearly specified in the proposal and which shall not be varied to the disadvantage of the inmates without the prior approval of the Central Government. The grantee institution will maintain separate accounts in respect of the grant. The accounts will remain open to inspection to the representatives of the Government of India including the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. At the end of period, the institution will have the accounts of the grant audited by the Government Auditor or a Chartered Accountant and supply a copy of the audited accounts together with a utilization certificate to the Ministry of Welfare. Any unspent balance out of the grant will be refunded by the organization. MAINTENANCE OF ACCOUNTS AND THEIR FINALISATION The project will be open to inspection by any officer of the Central or State Government, Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General or a person authorized by them. The accounts of the project will be maintained separately and submitted as and when required. They shall also be open in a test check to Comptroller and Auditor General of India at his discretion. When the project is complete, the grantee institution will submit an audited statement of accounts with the utilisation certificate for all expenditure incurred.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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