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Download For submission of project proposals on creation of Infrastructural Facilities

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MinistryMinistry of Science and Technology
TitleFor submission of project proposals on creation of Infrastructural Facilities
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GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR CREATION OF INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITY Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, is supporting creation of infrastructural facilities in the Universities, Medical Colleges, Agriculture Colleges, Research Institutes and other similar institutions. A new user-friendly proforma has been developed in place of the existing R&D proforma. The objectives are to strengthen existing institutions having a cluster of scientists who could make common use of and benefit from this facility. They are considered national facilities and therefore service should be an important component, which should be extended to other institutions/universities/industry for research purposes as and when required. Under this programme, DBT will provide financial support for procurement of equipments, consumables, and manpower required to run the facility. In addition DBT will also support for travel and for organizing workshops and training courses related to the facility. Funding for specialized facilities can also be considered on its merit. While evaluating proposals for funding the following essential components will be taken into consideration: 1. Infrastructure facility will preferably be created at places where there is substantial infrastructure requirement within the institution 2. Training is an essential component of the facility. Number of PhDs who are likely to work in this facility should be mentioned. In addition, the co-ordinator (Principal investigator) of the project should conduct workshops/training programmes of adequate duration at least once a year. Expenditure of these programmes can be incorporated in the budget. However, the grant will be released only after submission of application indicating number, name and address of the participants and the budget for the training programme. 3. For services rendered, an appropriate fee (to be decided by the host institute) may be charged as to move forward towards sustainability. At the end of the period of funding, the institute should be able to generate sufficient financial support to sustain the facility. 4. Support by the Department of Biotechnology would be limited to a maximum period of five years. The host institution would have to submit an undertaking to take over the facility and maintain for the purpose for which it was supported after cessation of the DBT support. 5. Implementation of the commitments will be monitored by the DBT. The interested investigators may submit their proposals in the "proforma for submission of creation of Infrastructural Facilities " in the identified areas in the following address: Project Registry Cell Department Of Biotechnology Ministry of Science and Technology Block-2, 6-8th Floor, C. G. O. Complex Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003 PROFORMA - X PROFORMA FOR SUBMISSION OF PROJECT PROPOSALS ON CREATION OF INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES (To be filled by the applicant) PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Institute/University/Organisation submitting the Project Proposal: ............................................................................................................................. .......................................... ............................................................................. ............................................. 2. State: ................................. 3. Status of the Institute: ....................................................................... (Please see Annexure-I) 4. Name and designation of the Executive Authority of the Institute/University forwarding the application: ............................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................ 5. Project Title :............................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ 6. Specific Area (Please see Annexure - II): 7. Duration: ..................................... Years.................................. Months 8. Total Cost (Rs.) ............................................. 9. Project Summary (Not to exceed one page. Please use separate sheet). PART II: PARTICULARS OF COORDINATORS (INVESTIGATORS) 10. Name:............................................................................................................... Date of Birth: ............................................................... Sex (M/F): ..................... Indicate whether Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator:........................................................ Designation:................................................................................................................ Department:................................................................................................................. Institute/University:.............................................................................................................. Address:.................................................................................................................. .............................................................. PIN: .................................... Telephone: .......................... Telex: ............................... Fax:........................ E-mail: ..................................................... 11. Name: ....................................................................................................................................... Date of Birth: .................................................................Sex (M/F): ............................... Indicate whether Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator: Designation :............................................................................................................... Department :......................................................................................... Institute/University: .............................................................................................................. Address :.................................................................................................................. ............................................................... PIN : .................................... Telephone : .......................... Telex : .............................. Fax:............................ e-mail : ....................................................... 12. Name: .................................................................................................................... Date of Birth: ................................................................ Sex(M/F) : .................................... Indicate whether Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator: ..................................................... Designation : .......................................................................................................................... Department :................................................................................................................... Institute/University :............................................................................................................... Address : ..................................................................................................................... ................................................................ PIN : ........................Telephone : ........................... Telex : ............................ Fax ........................ e-mail : ........................................ Note : Use separate page, if more investigators are involved PART III : TECHNICAL DETAILS OF PROJECT (Under the following heads on separate sheets) 13. Introduction (not to exceed 2 pages) 13.1 Origin of the proposal 13.2 Rationale for the establishment infrastructure facility supported by cited literature 14. Specific objectives 15. Previous experience in the field 15.1. Work already done by the Department/Institute in this field (supported by papers published and grants received in the field) 16.2. Whether the PI has previous track record of running such facility earlier? If yes then write details. 16. Status of the other investigators of the cluster (within and outside the institute) 17. List of prospective users of the facility 18. Timelines: Sl.No Name & Address of the prospective user Likely extent of use (in %) Period of study Achievable targets 12 Months 24 Months 36 Months 48 Months 60 Months 19. Timelines for making the facility financially viable Sl.No Year Percentage sustainability (expected income) 20. List of 5 experts in India in the proposed subject area Sr. No. Name Designation Address PART IV : BUDGET PARTICULARS (In Rupees) A. Non-Recurring (e.g. equipments, accessories, etc.) S. No. Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Sub-Total (A) B. Recurring B.1 Manpower (See guidelines at Annexure-III) S. No. Position No. Consoli­dated Emolu­ment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Sub-Total (B.1) = B.2 Consumables S. No . Item Quantity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Sub-Total (B.2) = Other items Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total B.3 Travel B.4 Contingency B.5 Overhead Charges 1 B.6 Workshop/Training* Sub-Total (B = B.1 + B.2 + B.3 + B.4 + B.5 + B.6) Grand Total (A + B) Note: Please give justification for each head and sub-head separately mentioned in the above table. (Financial Year: April - March) * The grant for workshop/training will be released only after submission of a detailed proposal indicating different heads of the budget, participants, duration of training etc. PART V : EXISTING FACILITIES Information on existing resources such as laboratory, manpower, equipments, and other infrastructure facilities. PART VI : DECLARATION/CERTIFICATION It is certified that a) the same project has not been submitted to any other agency/agencies for financial support. b) the emoluments for the manpower proposed are those admissible to persons of corresponding status employed in the institute/university or as per the Ministry of Science & Technology guidelines (Annexure-III) c) necessary provision for the scheme/project will be made in the Institute/University/State budget in anticipation of the sanction of the scheme/project. d) if the project involves the utilization of genetically engineered organism, it is agreed that we will ensure that an application will be submitted through our Institutional Biosafety Committee and we will declare that while conducting experiments, the Biosafety Guidelines of the Department of Biotechnology would be followed in toto. e) if the project involves field trials/experiments/exchange of specimens, etc. we will ensure that ethical clearances would be taken from concerned ethical Committees/Competent authorities and the same would be conveyed to the Department of Biotechnology before implementing the project. f) it is agreed that any research outcome or intellectual property right(s) on the invention(s) arising out of the project shall be taken in accordance with the instructions issued with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, as contained in Annexure- V. g) we agree to accept the terms and conditions as enclosed in Annexure-IV. The same is signed and enclosed. h) the institute/university agrees that the equipment, other basic facilities and such other administrative facilities as per terms and conditions of the grant will be extended to investigator(s) throughout the duration of the project. i) the Institute assumes to undertake the financial and other management responsibilities of the project. Signature of Project Coordinator Signature of Executive Authority (applicable only for multi-institutional projects) of Institute/University with seal Date : Date : Signature of Principal Investigator/Coordinator Date : Signature of Co-Investigator Signature of Co-Investigator Date : Date : PART VII : PROFORMA FOR BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF INVESTIGATORS (COORDINATORS) Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed on PART II. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED THREE PAGES Name : ....................................................................................... Designation :........................................................................ Department/Institute/University : .............................................................................................. Date of Birth : .................................. Sex (M/F) ............................... SC/ST : ......................... Education (Post-Graduation onwards & Professional Career) Sl No. Institution Place Degree Awarded Year Field of Study A. Position and Honors Position and Employment Honors Professional Experience and Training relevant to the Project B. Publications (Numbers only) ................. Books : .................... Research Papers, Reports : ................General articles :........................... Patents : .........................Others (Please specify) :.............................................................. Selected peer-reviewed publications (Ten best publications in chronological order) List maximum of five recent publications FROM THE Department/Institution relevant to the proposed area of work. Place : Date : Signature of Investigator
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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