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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

common reasons cited by EPFO for rejection of provident fund applicationforms

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COMMON REASONS CITED BY EPFO FOR REJECTION OF PROVIDENT FUND APPLICATIONS FOR FORMS 10D/10C/19/20/5IF/ADVANCES/GENERAL Contents Common Reasons cited by EPFO for rejection of Provident Fund applications for Forms 10D/10C/19/20/5IF/Advances/General ................................................................................................. 1 Application Type : 10D/10C ............................................................................................................... 1 Application Type : 19/20/5IF ............................................................................................................. 2 Application Type : ADVANCE ............................................................................................................. 3 Application Type : GENERAL .............................................................................................................. 5 Application Type : 10D/10C 1. In reckonable service and particulars of non-contributory service, details of the wages drawn during the 12 months preceeding the date of exit etc. have to be furnished by the employer in the format enclosed. 2. The applicant has not affixed on rupee Revenue stamp and signed over it. Page No. # of application Form # refers. 3. The applicant has completed minimum qualifying service of 10 years for claiming monthly member's pension, at the age of 50/58 years. Therefore, withdrawal benefit cannot be paid. At present the applicant may obtain a scheme certificate for claiming pension, for which the application in Form 10C has to be submitted by retaining option (a) against item number 8 of the Form 10C. Documentary evidence for proof of age of children below 25 years also has to be submitted along with the application. 4. A sum of Rs. # (Rupees # only) has to be remitted to Pension Fund Account number 10 maintained by State Bank of India, in order to regularise the break in reckonable service and make the applicant eligible for pension. The application has to be resubmitted along with the challan of remittance. 5. The applicant becomes eligible for reduced pension on exit from service and after attaining 50 years of age, provided the minimum qualifying eligible service of 10 years has been completed/reckoned. Superannuation pension or retirement pension is payable on exit from service after attaining 58 years of age and 20 years of eligible service. 6. As per this office records, the applicant has completed # years of age as on date, where as it is # years with reference to the date of birth furnished in the application in Form 10D (EPS). Documentary evidences has to be produced in support of the date of birth, furnished in the application, such as extracts of SSLC book, School Admission Register, Driving Licence, Passport,Income Tax PAN, etc. Normally Date of Birth once furnished cannot be altered for obtaining Pension benefit. 7. Documentary evidences have to be produced in support of the age of children who are below 25 years. #,#. 8. Pension is payable through State Bank of India, Canara Bank, Syndicate Bank, HDFC Bank, Federal Bank or Indian Bank . 9. The applicant has to exercise option regarding commutation of pension against item No. 9 on page 2 of the Form 10D(EPS). 10. The applicant has to state whether he/she opts for Return of Capital, and in case of option in favour of Return of Capital, sub item (1),(2) or (3) of item 10 has to be specified. In case of option is in favour of item 10(2),the nominee for Return of Capital should be a person other than the spouse of the applicant. 11. Three passport size photographs (jointly with spouse) have to be produced duly counter signed and identified on the back side of them by the employer. 12. The applicant does not have the minimum eligible service under Employees' Pension Scheme to claim monthly pension. Application in Form 10C - Format enclosed - may be submitted to claim Scheme Certificate together with the supporting documents, or to claim one time withdrawal benefit by specifying option (a) or (b) against item 8 of the application in Form 10-C. 13. Death Certificate in original along with two attested copies have to be submitted. 14. The applicant has contributed to Employees' Pension Scheme for less than six months and therefore not eligible for any pensionary benefts. 15. Applicant has not specified whether he/she opts for withdrawal benefit or Scheme Certificate by way of option against item 8(a) or (b) of the application in Form 10C. 16. The applicant is not eligible for monthly pension as he/she left service prior to April 1993. Application Type : 19/20/5IF 1. Details of contributions for the current period viz; # to # have not been furnished in the application. Contributions have to be recovered from the wages for the period upto and including the month in which the applicant left service. They may be obtained in the format enclosed.(F 3A). 2. Nomination in Form 2 is not available. Therefore, the E.P.F. and E.D.L.I benefits are payable equally among th
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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