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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

EPF FAQ- Availing Benefits

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HOW TO AVAIL EPF BENEFITS How to become a EPF Member You, as your own, can not become an EPF Member. To become an EPF member, you have to work in an establishment which is covered under EPF and MP ACT, 1952. If 20 or more employees are working in an establishment, EPFO will cover that establishment. If Employer and Employees of an establishment desires, that establishment can voluntarily opt for EPF coverage even if the employees employed therein is less than 20. If your establishment is not covered and atleast 20 employees are working in that establishment, you can approach EPFO to cover it. How to withdraw money from EPF To withdraw money from EPF Account, you have to either: Resign or retire from the establishment and apply for settlement of PF in Form-19 Apply for advance for some admissible purposes How to get Pension If you have attained the age of 50 years or more and If you have completed a total service of 10 years or more and If you are not getting any other EPF Pension Then you have to apply in Form-10D at the EPF Office where you last worked through your last employer. If you want to draw pension from a different place, you have to furnish appropriate Bank / Post Office address in the application form. Pension is distributed through Post Offices or through some designated banks only (eg: Indian Bank, SBI, Indian Overseas Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI and UTI Bank ) Four situations when Pension can be applied for : 1. On superannuation Age 58 years or More and atleast ten years of The member can continue in service while receiving this pension On attaining 58 Years of age, a EPF member cease to be a member of EPS automatically service 2. Before superannuation Age between 50 and 58 years and atleast ten years of service The member should not be in service 3. Death of the member Death while in service or Death while not in service 4. Permanent disability Permanently and totally unfit for the employment which the member was doing at the time of such disablement No pensioner can receive more than one EPF Pension. How to settle EPF account You have to resign or retire from the establishment and apply for settlement of PF in Form-19. If the exit is before 55 years of age, the member should not work in any covered establishment for a period of 2 months from the exit date. If the member dies, Family members/Nominee have to apply in Form-20 for settlement of PF (In case of death, apply in From-10D and Form-5IF for Pension and EDLI also) How to transfer my account / What to do if I join another establishment You have to apply in From-13(R) through the NEW Employer at the EPF Office from which transfer is sought clearly stating New and Old EPF Numbers. You have to obtain new EPF Number from your New Employer. New EPF Number will be allotted by New Employer, not by EPFO. Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance (EDLI) Scheme On death of a member, the Family Members or Nominee (whoever has the entitlement to claim Provident Fund amount) can claim for EDLI Benefit. Maximum amount payable is Rs. 60,000/-. The nominee(s) have to apply in From-5IF through the Employer. No amount is taken from the Member for this facility. Employer contributes for this. Average PF Balance, salary and service are the factors considered for the calculation of this amount.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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