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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

EPFO online status check procedure/list of all EPFO websites

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1 Brought to you by Contents EPFO ONLINE CLAIM STATUS CHECK - DEMO .................................................................................................. 2 STEP-1 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 STEP-2 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 STEP-3 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 STEP-4 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 STEP-5 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7 STEP-6 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 LIST OF EPFO WEBSITES ............................................................................................................................................... 8 2 EPFO ONLINE CLAIM STATUS CHECK - DEMO Even though EPFO is all computerized and it's all record keeping is all on computer however no proper public interface has been created to redress public complaints and requirements. As of now EPFO, India does allow online checking of claims at http://epfindia.com/indiaepf/loginnew.aspx on all India basis. However it may not work for many centers. For those who'd like to check their claim online here is the procedure how to use this online facility: In India there are EPFO offices are located in all states and multiple cities in each state. The example PF No. below pertains to DELHI state and NEHRU PLACE office within the state. Another example will be Andhra Pradesh state where around 11 EPFO offices are present in 11 different cities viz., Hyderabad, Guntur, Warangal. For this demo following example is taken: PF No- DL/29169/000714 (as appears in office salary slip) Where: DL refers to Delhi state 29169 refers to Establishment Code of the company FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTORS Ltd in Noida which although in U.P. (Delhi-U.P. border) it's registered under DELHI state, Nehru Place EPFO office. 000714 called as employee no in the web page but it actually is the EPFO employee number and not your company employee number. This is not a real employee number but only for this tutorial. Note: The Establishment Code of a company can be in nnnnn/X format. For example 14794/A is the Establishment Code of a company called ASTHA INDUSTRIS which is registered 3 STEP-1 Go to http://www.epfindia.nic.in/ you'll be presented a page like this: Click here to check status online 4 STEP-2 State & Office not yet selected 5 STEP-3 When you select State, office pull-down-box will be automatically filled 6 STEP-4 Establishment code Search link appears when you select office (see left NEHRU PLACE filled in) See STEP-6 for its Usage 7 STEP-5 3) Press this button 2) Company name appears 1) Claim status message appears 8 STEP-6 LIST OF EPFO WEBSITES EPFO's Main website(http://www.epfindia.gov.in ) EPFO Delhi (North) Region website(http://www.epfdelhinorth.com ) EPFO Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh Region website(http://epfo.ap.nic.in ) EPFO Kerala state website(http://www.epfkerala.in ) EPFO Bangalore website(http://www.epfbng.kar.nic.in/ ) EPFO Vashi website(http://www.epfovashi.gov.in ) EPFO Rohtak website(http://rohtak.nic.in/o9.htm ) EPFO Chennai website(http://www.epfochennai.tn.nic.in/ ) EPFO Pune website(http://www.epfopune.gov.in ) EPFO Vadodara Region website(http://www.epfovadodara.com ) EPFO Ahmedabad website(http://www.epfahmedabad.org ) EPFO Surat Region website(http://www.epfosurat.com ) EPFO Thane Mumbai Region website(http://www.epfthane.gov.in ) EPFO Gurgaon Haryana website(http://www.epfgurgaon.com ) 2) Type in a few character of company name( niit for example here). Press Search 1) This form allows you to search companies of a state and office as entered 3) The result - showing Establishment code along with company name containing text "niit".
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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