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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Value Added Tax - Refund of Tax

Download forms for state: Puducherry
Form Details
DepartmentCommercial taxes
TitleValue Added Tax - Refund of Tax
Document Size65.9 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
Commercial Tax Department FORM -W APPLICATION FORREFUNDOFTAX f he freun_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _do_ _)ont_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) ears _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ideceve een oavoua ulia liaeeeeada ccoun he feun i h leasanicteporeorhituorsefeunorn iaTearfeunnhtro h htahta htnize laanchequlecarlecarlean _ay _ _ _ liosn_crossehcarge _h _b _ _45_ _ ht_ ecgbfteICrnt eodi_mo/ynFm_ .Tepmetodmaebemaeirf frypnmy/odceonadBka .I/Wedetordontsathsbncmed/r yme/use .I/Wedetetxfwhhrdhsbncmedhsntb d/rdfmayo asindxceer Y ofoortnitnhittuory. r r ocuiievsn or I/Weeetefol wigdmes(rnteglt3y itttsaedOtrern nnsecm. o teurta lialdnnuacressess hp ap xRnF lncoseAnFm-Y;oyomeeA;oyomedeeAgA fhttporoeAdTnim-I;oe/Rel fhtfhtfhto d Ot updreri1Cop.2Cop.3Vlau.4O.5. . . . . . . . . . rby a licam laes heoeatreurhdne iivsonAssess er _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ Riecep_ _ _ _ t Nmb metDinurteHdofS n frt advanc ywayofAeTx/ ia iirgn ic liaun eamotcmedwhhwasoal db yp h T 3. ddtae _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . n llbaiva idre igans tusej d datmyctaei _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ttncos. overnG t meo. ./ S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OR OR eCmmexOf Din_mmesDme icer, tntepar Ta ilrcaTaxe ilrca o iivso h TCo , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I/We .smedh:­ dereuner Rupees itnone( _ _ _ _ _ _ Rs._dgroun fyfianyspec, hiers,feun dasrsa di ditccoundetno iv SitecuryditeposexAson_Ta liaun h T eamotcme To 1. )ab))c2. ((( ] ) 3 ( ere2 8luSe [ N I T person. hter ier. lar f .I/Weuketordondmadbgmaewinsxmoso htneddtome/eomeyreer yp.I/weddbetttegsrwhhrdhsbdhsbncmencius. i ht/hsbdinwhe/rmens*Skeowhsndonsu ia ienloneouseelloesa na eiecevelobtealiaeedoofeunftnoaneeatohi rhaaihceverdtnerafpaylecarfeunidiltnusraconsututa hticitr) 78 Slea( s med by me/usa drs for wa l. itea as ituesoidtancone. sso_u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )iesmnnqwinh ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rupees( . . . itgnaure dunerit iildrgnacre mys oratno yme/usamefTxf payfter ADVANCESTAMPRECEIPT tnflica itgnaurS eoma iitesgnaon na N meadD le. ibcalpap ta evenu i (. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Af xReSmp . . . . . . . . SANCTION ORDER hgtindregar drer tnflica dresda n eadful soma itgnaurS ofrane hequ ywayofce/dmaddtt tnliafht iitesgnao na meadDnoecma Nb . . dasmo.. . m..gRmose . d of. . Rs...f. .in .u.dxcee . . . . Riecevefreuntun froaitecury. afeun dasse. ndvanc htaeeA ftespeco dtordoybnp etx/S ) 000.0 05s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _tec. ounsbdan iitcrunzeee_hdfansor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dc Rs. f Rupees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( ie fiter Tlv. f ihttgans toe ee a feun ilprevous i (i )C (i dhnndaeo )Rsbnr d_ taeD mo liaRfdoeunC Atccoun f eaH do COMMERCIALTAXOFFICER SANCTIONING/ASSESSINGAUTHORITY (SEAL) PAYORDER _d dtae _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ec heque _idsmaev id _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _b y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rs. _f or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o. N. D.D/o. N m odofR s. ffreun lia_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (HEADOFDIVISION) h iivso eaitnenance. itespecvice osiegonn fteadtusofeuntn. ircahte ape fsa hayor liaoespeci linvovnfeunhdecor duta oshh licahten iregone tThfrob 7. Al m igterdofRop eptatma m tedeofpme Al erdcmprarptaesttoteCmmelTxOf . InrtoforrsreHdofDinsal keptersfecyadma tn r liao h ch texriitnanlievereeotnbhovernierson idgne, h h icittepresenav iaee bta h anhequhituorze lia h hitauorzei ht fte Ao Al ecm sal epdtotea 5. dbk wihwhhteGmemast rtecehsbnstsal eddtotecmarhsadrepywhensfto al nhal ri rmoesal bes tec j bu o dn he agiiivsoiivson. hefiiscrepanceitecep. areaitegseliafht t h itcrunh nhteeay hiecepcrosuay (i dhsbnpyedieRtpeN ntra a hreitonefteedt eAUDITOFFICER i itnerehtteporohttahitd hhittuorhlouleaerlroperftesyoaniivsoee rodrerhINSTRUCTIONSFORPROCESSINGTHEREFUNDAPPLICATION: winfndsfedfrfcndmtaydreHdoDietmetotesnoesisiWhydetntssessneagaycmeasadbdontttotampesmesepeafhall eehliambd ea itancoiigafteeiitteoi mitoeonaheHdonwindfihDinfytotsosrhWhsbmi,whrietecnanpedwiedetotntmesmasoeo itn hn ierer Rfeunhtissulicacoplitiefcasemapay ) Form-W dpasse. drer taccoun. hta d hlou he torf,t ul reasury, eamodaehsbncdioteT h dhsbnvdwi tn itedreht eea bovee a fdtunreune fforeun dorerht he t itcanlpp wiht tuendege oac knwlmetd"a he hequ rosse icanlpp tbyacdceont dpyros ht itegsere btcos. t wi - / 0 000, 5s.dtnorer me/ame ssesstnttsae itldnnuacre htansurhlouiivso deahtfdreun,or eHsofDinsdeet . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ie f ierhfeor lteeo ybecmpdbet POSTAUDIT dt:­ (i n/a : htatreur ) it. dtosau imtn senovern G tto hme ie fCiter) i ( hlteo eAgAywil cmpet hittuor issessn h T 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. y htns dhuuchre idequre especixprereve it du eeyoftemo ,whrr,sr(HQ)itoer nrfP
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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